Have you, or your partner, asked yourselves any of these questions recently? 

  • Am I invested the right way? 
  • Are we saving enough? 
  • How can we pay less in taxes? 
  • What else should we be doing?  
  • How long do I have to keep working? 
  • Can we afford to support mom or dad if they need help?  
  • Do we have enough to retire? 
  • Should we pay off the mortgage? 
  • Do I need a trust?  
  • Are we protected in an emergency? 
  • Can we afford to buy a second home? 
  • Will we be okay if the stock market crashes? 

If you answered yes to any of these, allow us to help. Our financial wellness reviews address these types of questions as well as others you may not have even considered.  

Even if you already have an existing financial advisor, our financial wellness reviews can identify threats and opportunities others may have missed, providing an extra layer of protection that nothing is falling through the cracks. Our goal is to provide you with reassurance that you are on the right financial path. 

What is it and what do we get? 

Your financial wellness review is conducted over two meetings. First, we’ll ask you and your partner a series of questions about where you are financially today and where you hope to go in the years ahead. During the second meeting we’ll present a report, written in plain English, that summarizes our initial discussion and reviews important insights. It will also contain an action plan of precise steps to take over the next 90 days to move you toward your financial goals. You can download a sample report here.  

That sounds amazing! But how much does it cost?  

We believe in full transparency and no hidden fees. We charge $1,300 for our financial wellness reviews (half up front, half at the end) and strive to deliver value worth multiplies what we charge.

As a bonus, if you become an ongoing client within 30 days of your wellness review, the remaining $650 will be waived.   

How do I get started? 

To get started, click here to set up a 15-minute introductory phone call.