Investment Management
Our investment management services focus on our clients’ goals as we help them build and optimize their investment portfolios. Our investment philosophy is comprised of eight principles.
- Don’t try to outguess the market
- Practice smart diversification
- Pay attention to after-tax returns, not gross returns
- Resist chasing past performance
- Avoid market timing
- Manage your emotions
- Look beyond the headlines
- Focus on what you can control
Available services include:
- Design and implement personalized investment portfolios
- Analyze existing investment holdings
- Develop portfolio income strategies
- Analyze and optimize asset allocation
- Balance asset location to optimize after-tax returns
- Conduct semi annual rebalancing
- Counsel on held-away accounts
- Optimize cash-management holdings
- Analyze permanent insurance policies
- Review existing investment costs
- Counsel on employer retirement plans
- Analyze living benefits and riders of existing annuity contracts
- Review and recommend rollover options
- Advise on concentrated stock holdings
- Conduct ongoing monitoring of accounts
- Review portfolio managers
- Provide guidance on stock awards, incentive stock options, and nonqualified stock options